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The Targeted Home Improvement Program (T-HIP) is a pilot grant program administered by CDLI in the Village of Hempstead. This program aims to provide critical repair assistance to financially constrained homeowners, enabling them to build and retain equity while contributing to the stabilization and renewal of the community.

Funds have been made available through New York State Homes & Community Renewal.

These home improvements are designed to prolong the useful life of each home as well as increase the dwelling’s health, safety, and sustainability. Funding will be used to support critical repairs, including health and safety improvements, correction of code violations, accessibility modifications, environmental remediation, and other repairs determined by CDLI as necessary to extend the useful life of the home and allow the homeowner to remain safely in their residence.

Funds are available based on need and the individualized requirements of each household that applies. The maximum amount that can be invested in a property is $40,000, though not every home will receive the maximum amount. CDLI attempts to assist as many households as funding will allow. For this program, we intend to serve approximately 110 households.


Typical repairs may include, but are not limited to:

• Heating System Replacements

• Electrical Service Upgrades

• Roof Replacements

• Siding

• Gutters

• Energy Efficiency Measures

• Windows & Doors

• Handrails, Stoops, and Walkways

• Structural Corrections

• Health & Safety Measures


Take Action
Contact Info


(631) 471-1215 ext. 1550



Please note that all repairs are determined after a comprehensive home evaluation has been completed by a member of CDLI’s Home Improvement & Optimization team.

Fill out our interest form!

Targeted Home Improvement Program

Targeted Home Improvement Program

Critical repair assistance to financially constrained homeowners in The Village of Hempstead.

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