CDLI has been selected by New York State Homes and Community Renewal to administer the Residential Emergency Services to Offer Home Repairs to the Elderly (RESTORE) Program in Nassau and Suffolk Counties.
Funds are made available through the New York State Housing Trust Fund Corporation.
The RESTORE Program provides income-eligible homeowners, 60 years of age and older, the resources to make necessary emergency repairs to address hazardous conditions posing a threat to life, health or safety of the elderly homeowner. Funds are available for repairs up to $20,000 per home.
Typical repairs may include:
Heating system repairs or replacements
Electrical repairs or upgrades
Plumbing repairs that pose a health risk such as water supply and septic issues
Structural repairs such as deteriorated foundations, roofs, floors, stairs, decks, doorways, etc.
Accessibility measures such as ramps, stair lifts, and grab bars
Please note that all repairs must address an emergency issue as determined by CDLI.
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We are a nonprofit exempt mortgage banker. Loans are arranged through third-party vendors. CDLI Funding Corporation is a Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity lender.
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Emergency repairs for seniors aged 60 and over.