Financial Fitness, Health, & Wealth
Our Financial Fitness, Health, & Wealth course is an approach to foster behavioral changes that will affect families over the long term, allowing them to set and reach financial goals. Learn more by attending our education classes that take place over 4 sessions.
Financial Fitness graduates have the option to enroll in Financial Coaching and receive one-on-one long-term guidance. Participants are empowered to create a personal, workable family budget, establish a savings plan, and address credit issues. CDLI’s Financial Coach leverages knowledge and skills learned in Financial Fitness, Health, & Wealth to help individuals determine their own needs and abilities to reach their goals.
Learning how to budget and save are the key skills taught in our financial fitness class. Homeowners and renters are taught how to modify spending behavior, reduce debt, increase savings, and repair credit blemishes. There is a $25 Registration/Credit Report Fee per person.
Course topics include: Basic Banking, Money Management, and Savings, Establishing Good Credit, Steps to Repair Your Credit, and Consumer Awareness & Predatory Lending.
Learn more about Financial Fitness, Health, & Wealth:
Contact us today to create an account and learn more about our services.
There is a $25 Registration
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If you are ready to jump into your education, create an account to view our programs and register for classes.
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Contact Info
(631) 471-1215 ext 1580
We are a nonprofit exempt mortgage banker. Loans are arranged through third-party vendors. CDLI Funding Corporation is a Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity lender.
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Financial Education & Coaching
Set and achieve financial goals on the path towards homeownership.