The Town of Southampton, through its Community Housing Fund (CHF), is offering funding to eligible Town’s residents whose household income is over 100% Area Median Income (AMI). The loan is for the construction of Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) for the Town’s workforce.
An ADU* is a secondary dwelling unit established in conjunction with and clearly subordinate to the single-family detached dwelling (one-family dwelling, detached), whether as a part of the same structure as the primary dwelling unit or a detached dwelling unit on the same lot
$125,000 loan-grant at Zero percent (0%) interest over 20 years.
Loan balance is payable in full at the sale of the home or refinance transaction.
No income limit is required of the property owner, but household income of tenant(s) must be at or below current Nassau/Suffolk Area Median Income (AMI) of 130%.
Homeowners and tenants must occupy either the home or the accessory dwelling unit as primary residence.
At least one tenant must provide documentation that he/she works full-time (at least 30 hours a week) at a business located in the Town of Southampton.
Town’s approval is required for an ADU that will remain vacant for more than remain vacant or without an active rental permit for more than six (6) months.
An unoccupied unit may result in a Town Code violation and may lead to the removal of the ADU and the demand to repay the loan in full.
Eligible Costs
o Construction Costs, Planning and Design Costs, including architectural and building plans, surveying and building permit application costs.
The monthly rent must comply with the Town of Southampton’s rental guidelines in order to ensure that it remains affordable. (See chart below for 2024)
Studio | $2,188 |
1 Bedroom | $2,500 |
2 Bedroom | $2,813 |
Take Action
Contact Info
(631) 471-1215 ext. 1510 or 1930
CDLI Funding Corporation is a Community Development Financial Institution, certified by the U.S. Treasury Department. CDLI is recognized by NeighborWorks America as an “exemplary organization.” We are a HUD approved housing counseling agency and a chartered member of NeighborWorks America.
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Accessory Dwelling Unit Loan Product - Town of Southampton
Loan-grant for eligible applicants to help cover construction costs of a new workforce accessory dwelling unit.